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Roses with a Purpose

Our Story

Roses with a purpose intends to give back to the Dallas/Fort Worth community, as well as to nationally everywhere we ship.

Need is all around us; that’s why DLux roses supports 360 degrees of need. We as people don’t just suffer from one problem, that’s why DLux Roses is not a single issue charity.
We address social problems by surrounding Texans with 200+ local programs in the areas of education, health, and more – the essential components of a thriving community. Instead of just addressing one issue, like hunger or homelessness, we treat 360 degrees of need.

Good health influences everything from how well a child can learn to how much an adult can earn. Its effects truly last a lifetime. So our goal is to ensure that all have access to nutritious food, quality healthcare, a safe place to call home and the chance to lead healthy, productive lives.
We work with environmental charities to preserve and protect the environment and to promote environmental research, conservation, and appreciation. Protection and Conservation charities combat pollution; promote conservation and sustainable management of land, water, plant and energy resources; purchase and protect land; and develop more efficient uses of both energy and waste materials. Without adequate protection of these resources, we wouldn’t be able to produce the roses you love so much.
Botanical Gardens, Parks, and Nature Centers promote preservation and appreciation of the environment, as well as leading anti-litter, tree planting, and other environmental beautification campaigns. We aim to protect threatened ecosystems from development, deforestation and other environmental threats.

Have a heart


When kids fall behind in school, they get frustrated and check out before they drop out. Education is the first step in crossing the opportunity divide. We are making sure that children have the chance to reach their full potential.
Helping those less fortunate is an important principle at Dlux roses, and we give our words meaning by donating our time, roses and resources to individuals facing paralyzing disabilities. In coordination with North Texas Giving Day and Baylor Medical Center, Dlux helps those with special needs to do fun activities beyond school and work. They offer engaging programs like specialized horseback riding and even some exposure to the arts! The legacy of Hope also provides date-night respite care for parents with special needs children.

What Are Roses With a Purpose ?

Roses with a purpose is a series of silent auctions of preserved rose boxes where 100% of the proceeds for the bid will go directly to the charity featured that month. In today’s world, it’s important for brands and businesses to actively support causes that align with the views of the founders, and the goal of an organization as a whole. This value-based approach will become even more popular in the years to come as customers demand more and more social accountability from corporations.

We aim to raise money by featuring compelling stories of people in need from different charities; exhibited in a timeline format, our purpose is to show past and present contributions listed one after another. As our contributions continue this list of stories will create a beautiful timeline that will allow people to view the projects were able to assist with. We hope that this page motivates other businesses and organizations to practice in this value-based approach.


What Are We Trying To Accomplish?

DLux Roses wants to reach out into the community both locally in DFW and to the larger national communities in order to give back with preserved roses. Even though we are located in the DFW area we know that need is everywhere, and with Dlux Roses providing high-quality roses across the United States. We believe we can assist those less fortunate across the entire United States.

As well as helping individuals we also plan to work with well-established 5013c’s like United Way, Make a Wish Foundation, ASPCA, Gofundme.com, Wounded Warrior project, and Ronald McDonald.These organizations have the scale to help individuals in a more macro when compared to DLux Roses. If you work or are involved in any 5013c organization’s that helps provide to the less fortunate please reach out to max@dluxroses.com

Our purpose is to make an impact; By donating, fundraising, and spreading the word, you can help people get back on track and become a positive force in their communities.

Rules Of the Auction

-Minimum bids on all items

-Whole dollar amounts for bids; no penny increments.

-Supporters cannot bid less than previous bids.

-Bids that have been changed or crossed out must be initialed by the bidder.

-No bids will be accepted after the auction ends.

How Do You Get Involved?

If you are a charity, to get involved please email max@dluxroses.com

If you have a donation, please email max@dluxroses.com for your tax-deductible papers.

Click to Bid

Next Silent Auction Ends At

-All proceeds goes to a charity-
2018/09/31 15:32

Stories That Touched Our Heart